Saturday, September 29, 2018

WVCARC Logo Contest

We are looking for a new logo.  The current logo is OK, but doesn't work very well for being put on apparel.  So, we are going to hold a Logo Contest.  The contest will run until November 1st.  The logo needs to meet the following requirements

  • Images used must be copyright free
  • Must look good when in color, grey scale, and black and white.  You may submit version of the logo for each each print type.
  • Must be able to be embroidered onto clothing.  Basically really thing lines and small type don't work well.
  • Should have Armature Radio and West Valley elements to it.
Please submit your logo to

After the deadline WVCARC officers will evaluate the submitted logos and will choose the winner.  The person whose logo is chosen will receive a WVCARC jacket.

If you have any questions regarding the contest or would like something clarified please email us at the above address.

Good Luck!

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