Monday, February 8, 2016

In-person Meeting

This Quarters in-person meeting will be at West Valley City Hall on February 25th. We will take a tour of the EOC there and then do a training on public service events and a communications exercise. if you have an HT please bring that with you for the exercise.

We will meet in the Foyer of the City Hall and then go on the tour. If you are late or get lost please contact me KG7RZX on the 146.700 - 100 hz repeater and I will talk you in.

We expect to start at 19:00 sharp and end about 20:30

Our regular Net that night will be cancelled.

We look forward to seeing all of you at this meeting.

Jason KG7RZX

Friday, February 5, 2016

Hamfest volunteer meeting cancelled

Dear Friends in Amateur Radio,

Due to sudden, unforeseen circumstances, the meeting of volunteers for The Great Salt Lake Hamfest tomorrow is CANCELLED.

I am grateful to everyone that put this meeting on their schedules and those that emailed to say they will help but wouldn't be able to attend the meeting.  I will let you know when this meeting is re-scheduled.

If you receive this more than once, it is likely that you responded to me by email.  I just want to be sure you get this message.

Please forward this to those whom you might have contacted.

I will be OUTSIDE the PSET building  from 8:15 to 9:15 a.m. tomorrow, in case someone shows up that is not on this email list or that didn't open their email before tomorrow's meetings.

Gratefully yours,

Susan Smith


Thursday, February 4, 2016

Tonight's Net & Training 2/4/2016

Tonight we would like all operators to check in using a HT. we will be checking in on an ht all month so get those batteries charged.

Additionally tonight's training topic is on repeaters. So put your questions in the comments below so that we can answer them.

See ya on the net.
