We had a successful drill Saturday. We started at 10:00 AM and completed the drill at 11:20 AM. We had operators check in from 39 schools and 6 fire stations. 12 operators did the check-ins and my daughter and I ran Net Control for a total of 14 operators. We ran Net Control from the church at 4333 S 6400 W on solar and battery power. Most operators were assigned 3 - 4 locations and the majority of the operators checked in via voice. We did have two operators who checked in over packet Winlink which helped lighten the load on the repeater. I think this was the best drill yet. It is always good to set goals for the next time we do this. I would like to have more operators able to check in by Winlink, as well as have more operators participate next year.
A special thanks for those operators who participated. It sounded like everyone had an enjoyable time. Let me know your thoughts on the drill.
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