After a quick recompile I upload the new firmware to the Teensy, held my breath, and plugged things in. No smoke, so I connected the TNC to my radio and grabbed my Android phone (sorry, iOS devices are not compatible with this particular module). I paired my phone to the BT module. I then launched APRSDroid and set the Connection Protocol to TNC (KISS) and selected my BT device from the TNC Bluetooth Device menu. Next I selected "Start Tracking" at the bottom and as the Solder Smoke guys say, "Bob's Your Uncle!"
So what can you do with APRS? Well if you move this setup to your car you can have your position transmitted as you drive. APRSDroid uses your phone's GPS to get your current location. It then transmits this information through the TNC. This setup could be used for a SAG (Support And Gear) wagon so that Net Control knows where the support vehicles are. You can also send quick messages to other station through APRS. You can see Jason (KG7RZX) and chatting back and forth here.
Anyway, I had fun getting this put together and thought I would share it with you all. Pictures are below.
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