Tuesday, October 23, 2018

ARES/ RACES Workshop

Bob Craven, N7GTE, has asked me to send out a reminder about the ARES/ RACES Workshop that will be held on Saturday, 3 November 2018. Check-ins will begin Saturday morning at 0800 and the training will begin at 0900. The Work shop will be at a new location this year, 195 N 1950 W, Salt Lake City, (Multi Agency State Office Building/Environment Quality Building) Registration for this event will be different than in the past, please use Eventbrite.com , search for the ARES/RACES workshop on 3 Nov. We request that all registrations be submitted no later than Monday, 29 October. This is so the meals can be ordered for the free lunch that will be provided. Also we encourage you to register as soon as you can because there will be a limit on how many seats will be available.

Contact Bob Craven, N7GTE, n7gte@yahoo.com for more info if you have questions.

1 comment :

  1. I just checked the Eventbrite website. There are no more tickets available. Susan, SLC Crossroads ARC President, KJ7ABC
